Testing for Work-Comp Injuries

Here are some ways we can help test for your work-comp injuries. Let’s get you healthy and back to work! Kuns Chiropractic (503) 517-8048 405 NE Division St, Gresham, OR 97030, USA https://kunschiropractic.com/symptoms/work-injury/

Hi, this is Doctor Kuns and I want to talk to you a little bit about documentation and testing when it comes to work comp injuries. When it comes to work comp injuries, never in any other type of injury that we have out there is it as important to get the testing done and show proper documentation and evidence that there has been an injury that you can point to a test and show that there’s the problem.

So, I like to talk about the fact that we should have an x ray done if it’s spinal or involves bones, joints, and muscles. We should also consider a range of motion devices like this one here, dual inclinometer. Those can be really helpful in, in showing the limitations of motion. And if you look at the AMA guidelines guidelines three and four, these particular ones right here are the ones in the picture of the book.

Another one. Is what we call surface electromagraphy, which is an example right here of what the surface electromagraphy would look like when doing the test. And there’s these little modules like right here that show it’s a very simple, easy, quick test that takes like less than five minutes.

There’s a little bit more in depth one we can do called the dynamic electromagraphy unit. It shows us motion patterns and if your muscles are firing properly during, in those motion patterns. And then over here on the far side we have our kinetasense which shows us not only range of motion but posture analysis.

We can also do that with balance and also strength. So we can show that a muscle group is weaker or that you have less balance or that there’s a problem that Can easily be measured and then checked again 30 days later and checked again 30 days after that to show improvement. So, if you’re not getting these tests done, then we need to find use some time to come into our office and let’s do some of the testing.

Let’s get some of these tests to show the injury and get you on the proper timeframe and proper treatment plan to get you better and back to work. Thanks a lot. Bye bye.

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